Everyone tells you that they love your BBQ and that you should open a restaurant. The idea appeals to you, but you don’t know a thing about where to start. Here is a list of articles that will give you a reality check about what is involved in opening that restaurant whether it is a fine dining facility or a fast food joint. After reading these articles you will head into the process of opening a restaurant with your eyes wide open.
7 Reasons Opening a Restaurant Should Scare You
“So here is a model of business steps you should go through determine whether you should take this risk of going to the poor house for chasing your dream, or not.” http://chefsblade.monster.com/benefits/articles/1292-7-reasons-opening-a-restaurant-should-scare-you
Everything You Need To Know To Open Your Own Restaurant
“Thinking about taking the plunge? We’ve gathered the best data available to help you.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/01/opening-a-restaurant_n_5366260.html#sthash.cGj1WSlP.dpuf
5 Tips To Opening A Restaurant. As In, 5 Reasons You Should Not Open A Restaurant
“Perhaps many of you have entertained the thought of opening your own restaurant. But whether or not the restaurant gods are smiling on you, there is a rugged, Kilimanjaro-esque path for which no book or seminar can prepare you.” http://www.foodrepublic.com/2013/11/04/5-tips-to-opening-a-restaurant-as-in-5-reasons-you-should-not-open-a-restaurant/
What to Do Before Opening a Restaurant
“Opening a new restaurant can be a risky business venture, but with the right planning, financing and plenty of hard work, it’s definitely doable.” http://www.thestandard.co.zw/2013/09/15/opening-restaurant/
How to Start a Restaurant
“To help you get started, we’ve compiled this thorough, but easy-to-digest, guide to starting your own food business.” http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/73384
When you are ready to open that restaurant, contact Greg Suggs Insurance Agency for a quote on all your insurance needs.